
project device/oneplus/oneplus3/
42e7aa4 op3: Label device-specific android_usb sysfs files.
dba462a op3: Allow appdomain to get vendor_camera_prop
df2b730 op3: Fix thermal-engine dac_override denial.
c25a7f6 op3: add system GID to thermal-engine
afea4b0 op3: sepolicy: Add restricted permissions to vendor_init
084c115 op3: Update sepolicy for P

project device/qcom/sepolicy/
140ef4e sepolicy: Allow apps to read battery status
1eeb052 qcom: sepolicy: Add sepolicy for hidl power hal

project packages/apps/Settings/
9bf9290 Settings: notifications: add tuner's importance level shortcut

project system/sepolicy/
b129926 Revert "sepolicy: add style api"
c76599b Revert "Sepolicy exceptions for font engine assets"

project vendor/ev/
3cc5268 common: Label common basic USB HAL
2665e68 sepolicy: Update fingerprint-2.0 service path
a055806 sepolicy: common: Add a label for fingerprint 2.0 -> 2.1 service
ce45033 Sepolicy exceptions for font engine assets
d2de2b5 sepolicy: allow untrusted app to find styleInterface
71e95c2 sepolicy: add style api
7a46836 config: Add Deskclock to power whitelist