
project android/
4d1f921 Manifest for Android 9.0.0 Release 21
cce2e06 Manifest for Android 9.0.0 Release 19
7d099bc Add linkfile to create namespace

project bionic/
5e8614d malloc: add M_PURGE mallopt flag

project build/make/
2f95f07 Version bump to PQ1A.181205.006
bd5d908 Version bump to PQ1A.181205.005
1c9dc3f Version bump to PQ1A.181205.004
b8f83a6 Version bump to PQ1A.181205.003
8380ffa Version bump to PQ1A.181205.002
1ddd691 [DO NOT MERGE]Update Security String to 2018-12-05 for December release bug: 117667960 (cherry picked from commit 1e6d1d603badde694db0e1ce748088c431a328ae)
41abbc1 [DO NOT MERGE] Update Security String to 2018-12-01 for December Release bug:117667960 (cherry picked from commit d6edd2123ce5f3ef100657c0a416d25bc4de81b7)

project external/aac/
5e57019 Prevent out of bounds accesses in lppTransposer() and lppTransposerHBE()
0e5db9f Unify audio element loop abort criterion in ER syntax
ce97e7d Always check whether given channel config is supported.

project external/libhevc/
ec8529b Add limits check for the CTB position in a frame

project external/libvpx/
05e29b2 libwebm: Cherrypick 5a41830 from upstream

project external/libxaac/
4856048 Mark xaac codec experimental
06100c3 Fix for OOB write in parsing drc ext
9349825 Fix for crash due to un-initailized variables in drc module
316b8bb Fix for heap buffer over flow in drc bit stream parsing
ed3339b Fix for OOB loudness eq instruction parsing
dbf5e31 Fix for OOB write in filter block parsing in drc
6741db7 Fix for OOB write in parametric drc instruction parsing
e2f71f3 Fix of OOB write in drc downmix instruction count parsing
7f0108e Fix for OOB write in split drc characteristic parsing
d004184 Fix for OOB write in gain set param's parsing

project external/v4l2_codec2/
0d4099c Don't continue with an invalid iterator

project frameworks/base/
75e3e04 Adding new intent ACTION_SMS_MMS_DB_CREATED.
12f511e ActivityThread: purge jemalloc at appropriate times
3a1a64c Add Missing XML files from 5282778 to fix build Bug:111603898 (cherry picked from commit 974a86e201e2fa17bad58d1fb2f83b7d21ed1580)
7105e37 Add configurable default setting for assistant componentname
64ea6ca wm: recycle bitmaps immediately in TaskSnapshotPersister
7d4945c hwui: purge malloc pages on bitmap destruction
35f31cb Recover shady content:// paths.
553bb7c Keep app in high memory adjust if moving from TOP to FGS
fe0e09e DO NOT MERGE: Reset launch start times when removing a process

project frameworks/native/
955ef12 libui: add boundary check to GraphicBuffer::unflatten

project hardware/google/av/
91eb002 RELAND CCodec: queue empty input for encoders to get CSD out

project hardware/qcom/audio/
76ff480 hal: Add ABR enabled flag to LDAC config
89bd271 hal: add sdm710 to the list of supproted platforms
66c4ecf audio: fix static noise on speaker path when enable incall-music
e56cd4b hal: enable audio_hw flag for sdm710 platform
5790f3e hal: Configure frame size of AAC encoded output
72a3cea visualizer: Pass sound card and capture device from audio HAL
702c157 A2DP set_parameter: return correct status value
41b4fe4 hal: speaker protect: Add deinit function to clean up
4d2221b audio: Add a build flag to enable cirrus speaker calibration.
eedbcac hal: Reset A2DP backend before SCO is started
6d945d2 audio: Load maxx_conf.ini by snd factor
f76dae5 audio: Notify sthal of pending record as part of device enable
84757f3 hal: poll for SLPI subsystem status
88512e9 audio: hal: check routing after stop_output_stream
220b32e audio: fix app type's acdb transfer to kernel driver

project packages/apps/Bluetooth/
c1289fb Clean up variables when closing BT

project packages/apps/Gallery2/
eb9c436 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7422823 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2c756ae Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8d0074b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e9eeb27 Rename android.utils.Pools to com.android.photos.util.Pools
68d42f8 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
bb9b24f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
913fd7f Revert "Revert "Move Gallery2 to androidx.""
fac21a0 Revert "Move Gallery2 to androidx."
d0b006d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
c86745d Move Gallery2 to androidx.
e3ec91d Gallery2: Fix CollectionIncompatibleType
661db9f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e465d7e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
aaae7c4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
817b66c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
fdabbe7 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6bd249f Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
80678e6 Gallery2: Fix NaN comparisons
1b4ab39 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3fe52ad Move from stlport to libc++.
86f481b Move Gallery2 over to AAPT2 and new v4 modules
c50f173 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b0d5c3e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
955b0bb Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f54724f Use -Werror in packages/apps/Gallery2
ea2a43b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7367f4e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3739f19 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
4a51c0b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5865837 Fix build with proguard
ace22e9 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5a3474a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
647d252 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e1febea Adaptive icon for Gallery2 AOSP Bug: 64333648 Test: manual
475d890 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
65cdfba Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ae84625 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
97df95c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
72060db Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ba82dd3 Move tags to correct parent element
907cd05 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
30eb6ef Fix makefile include for support-v4
81c425d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a001d6d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
084ef10 Fix proguard failure when using javac
0673572 Use explicit support library prebuilts
928e3fa Revert setting Werror flag - there are still warnings on some builds.
a611ca0 Fix build Gallery2
a836402 Fix warnings and set Werror flag to not let them happen again.
5ffe930 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9d0124b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
558f462 Stop using junit classes in production
52f3ebc Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9513d4b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
bdba1ea Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9530da5 Rename language+country resources to just language
7be4e2c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
2bf8c95 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
188a5f7 Revert "Import translations. DO NOT MERGE"
cbbcc48 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
538f6fe Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
503656d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b1ada54 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
b49d143 Bump API to match dependencies.
c92d371 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a9d39db Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8532583 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
782f3d7 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8bc8d4d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
5a7734e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
c2122c6 Add missing includes.
fb7f448 Cleanup warnings in jni.
8534e71 Fix misc-macro-parentheses warnings in Gallery2.
e5c1fb3 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
98f0853 Use a NDK-compatible libjpeg
f9f56eb Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e26ee9a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
48663c8 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
ec0da15 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
61d7e4b Bump targetSdkVersion to 24
2d61a00 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3194dcf Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
d343a1e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a140d19 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
92bd69b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
8562a0e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
87e808e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6669f2c Gallery2: support the newly added media file types in MTP mode
74e6f87 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
9fb86d2 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
a900c0a Float.NaN != ... always evaluates to true, use Float.isNaN.
d30b655 Gallery2: Fix use of uninitialized stack variables
0dd5af0 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
dd25dbe Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
e9273e0 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
92ed04d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
cc8e207 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
39fa242 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f1c779d Simply the mimetype handling for images by using image/*. This will also accept the newly added mimtypes for RAW images.
f79eed3 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
67b02e0 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
77a5fca Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
01dba26 Fix ProGuard error.
78e347b Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3760b7d Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
bed4ef9 Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript
31ba765 Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript
215f46a Revert "Revert "Revert "Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript"""
562ad51 Revert "Revert "Revert "Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript"""
406b686 Revert "Revert "Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript""
c5a49d2 Revert "Revert "Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript""
cf2cc7e Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f206f45 Revert "Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript"
5dfae02 Make Gallery2 use platform RenderScript
f7de051 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
f3b063a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
71f3f86 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
3660115 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
0250ab4 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
aad013a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
fabf28c Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
0795cb2 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
7dcde06 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
08b61e2 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
1a34348 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
23be958 Fix RenderScript warnings.
2f6c749 Import translations. DO NOT MERGE
6e1a12a Import translations. DO NOT MERGE

project packages/providers/TelephonyProvider/
e5e4405 Manual revert for ag/5373283 (cherry picked from commit 8bda570a74d943fb03606f00afb6d735aaec0841)
a9873f0 Broadcast ACTION_SMS_MMS_DB_CREATED when mmssms.db is created.
cdd1796 Don't use WAL in TelephonyProvider to work around b/113352727

project system/bt/
8c1d4c1 Fix possible OOB read
9009da9 HIDD: Check descriptor length and increase buffer
72aa93c Run the wakelock JNI callbacks on the JNI thread
1bb14c4 bta: Pass the correct UUID array size in bta_ag_do_disc
82ef3ce Check SDU lower bound before allocate p_data

project system/core/
04675d7 DO NOT MERGE: lmkd: retune rate at which processes are killed
d2e1a66 lmkd: rate-limit and cleanup failed kill reports

project system/nfc/
d78913b Prevent Out of bounds read in llcp code part 2
e06c43c Prevent Out of bounds read in llcp code
31d0af9 Prevent OOB error for T2T read/writes

project system/update_engine/
840a7ea Check metadata size in payload.

project system/vold/
94b9956 [DO NOT MERGE] Fix signedness mismatch and integer underflow