
INFO Starting nightly build
INFO 2018-02-01 05:05:00.872116
INFO Set 2018.02.01 as current branch
INFO No changes found, but force option enabled
INFO Created changelog for 2018.02.01
INFO Mirrored changelog-2018.02.01.html in 0h 0m 0s
ERROR FAILED: source build/envsetup.sh && lunch shamu && make -j32 otapackage, None
ERROR Dumping errors...
ERROR hardware/qcom/audio/post_proc/Android.mk:72: warning: warning for parse error in an unevaluated line: *** empty variable name ***
ERROR Hopefully that helps
INFO Built tenderloin in 1h 11m 31s
INFO Mirrored ev_tenderloin-8.1.0-nightly-2018.02.01.zip in 0h 0m 4s
ERROR FAILED: source build/envsetup.sh && lunch potter && make -j32 otapackage, None
ERROR Dumping errors...
ERROR Hopefully that helps
INFO Built all targets in 3h 0m 56s
INFO Total run time: 3h 11m 4s