
project android/
8dbd329 manifest: remove WallpaperPicker

project bootable/recovery/
b6cd4ee 3.1.0
f0c1784 Revert "Fix adb shell in 7.0 tree"
9299e45 file_contexts: remove symlink to binary file and use text version instead
6497166 vold_decrypt: Add back missing xml and get rid of compiler warning
34b32c0 Add TWRP app install to landscape and watch themes
6f859a5 crypto: Use system's vold for decryption
a06e815 Fix missing libf2fs.so needed by mkfs.f2fs
236ca13 ADBBU: Cleanup string usage/namespace
2fc3550 Timeout for decrypt
a72e109 gui: preserve order of gui_print vs gui_msg
c95ad4f languages: update chinese translation
7a8d54c Update Hungarian localization
f7a875f Tweak MTP startup routine
262add6 Fix handling of USB config during MTP switching
a3b9368 twrpDigest: don't crash when zip.md5 file is empty
0bed611 logd: add seclabel so that service runs in 7.1 tree builds
624e650 Use LOGI/LOGE for non-EVENT_LOGGING events
e26024d Run language_helper.py from inside languages dir
e77cfa0 Update MTP debugging tags
d529dc0 Do not unconditionally remove MTP storage on unmount
a1188c1 Only change USB mode to mtp when ready for MTP
ee2c1f4 Fix "ordered comparison between pointer and zero".
5623da8 Update Russian localization
2cec174 cryptfs: Fix encryption issue due to stack corruption.
fa2a6c4 Add a listxattr tool for listing xattrs
fffdafc libtar: support backing up and restoring new Android user.* xattr
624df96 Partition: Remove unused has_data_media variable
b511d22 GUI: Fix typo in warning message
7388cdf Symlink file_contexts --> file_contexts.bin
787151e Fix bldr msg file open mode when offset specified
a2ec8c1 DE language update
2f42eff languages: update italian translation
9921d00 Update ru.xml for TWRP ver.
f6d5352 Improve backup display names with emulated storage
3f749c1 Adjust & Improve Chinese translations for zh_CN/TW again
88db2d2 Fix crash during check for TWRP app
ab4259f Fill uid/gid for screenshots at compile time
fa4c122 GUI: Improve automatic determination of TW_THEME
d403225 Allow custom bootloader msg offset in block misc
45d641f gui: Fix Android.mk for TW_CUSTOM_THEME
f9b2c52 recovery: adjust mkfs.f2fs location

project build/
b527c96 Revert "core_minimal: add in WallpaperPicker"

project frameworks/base/
cab8502 SystemUI: Add NFC tile
d60f83e Make VrManager service optional.
eac8c40 Make consumer_ir an optional service.
5a3ef6d Expose Screenshot flash and background colors
f41aa5a ThemeSafety: Introduce App Crash Intent

project packages/apps/AudioFX/
2285578 AudioFX: remove unused library dependency

project packages/apps/EVToolbox/
b7d96d7 Toolbox: fix default settings for toolbox settings

project packages/apps/Launcher3/
7511125 Launcher3: add functions to get values determined by FeatureFlags
7b3b5ee Revert "Opening the system default wallpaper picker on clicking the wallpaper tile"